• Cofrajul o problema? REZOLVAT!

    Livram in santier solutii pentru cofrare, produse standard sau debitate la cerere.

  • Scarile spirale de interior

    O combinație unică de simplitate și eleganță. Combinația dintre structura din lemn și oțel este o soluție spațială eficientă pentru orice încăpere.


    Solutii pentru constructii, la preturi avantajoase.Verifica oferta noastra acum...

  • Rapiditate si incredere

    Oferim servicii rapide si de incredere pentru: comercializare,debitare, calibrare, realizare produse finite pe comanda.

  • Calitate si design

    Oferim solutii pentru autoutilitare si pentru scene de concerte de o calitate exceptionala.

  • Panourile din lemn sunt specialitatea noastra

    Suntem specializati in vanzarea prelucrarea panourilor lemnoase de mai multe tipuri.

  • Produse speciale?

    Mediile de lucru sunt variate, dar noi avem solutii pentru medii ignifuge cat si hidrofuge. Verifica oferta noastra.

bine ati venit la Bricoflor

Bricoflor este o marca a companiei Tecnomir grup, companie de familie implicata in realizarea, furnizarea si distibutia panourilor pe baza de lemn dar si a altor materiale din sectoarele de constructii. Bricoflor, vine in intampinarea clientului oferind consiliere gratuita pentru alegerea materialelor, devize profesionale, pune la dispozitie cataloage si mostre de produs, asigura materialele necesare si executa proiecte conform solicitarilor venite de la beneficiari. Orientarea permanenta catre client este pusa in practica prin intermediul sortimentului mare, a logisticii moderne si a serviciilor personalizate.


Tego plop CN 2500x1250x18mm 220gr/mp - 170lei/placa+tva
Tego film 1250x700x8mm - 35lei/placa+tva
Tego film 1250x700x15mm - 40lei/placa+tva

Birch plywood grades

 Birch Plywood is subdivided by the following grades depending on face veneer quality:

Е (Elite)
ВВ ( II )
СР ( III )
С ( IV )

Plywood grade is marked by face and back veneer quality (face/back). For example:
Е/В ( E/I ), В/В ( I/I ), I/II, II/II, II/III, II/IV, III/III, III/IV, IV/IV etc.

Grade “E” (Elite): Perfect grade
Categories of defectsPermissible amount of defects
Pin knotsPermitted
Irregularities in the structure of woodPermitted, but slight
Coloured streaksPermitted accosionally


Categories of defectsPermissible amount of defects
Pin knotsPermitted up to 3 per 1 m²
Other knots and patched holes:

sound knots

unsound (falling) knots

Permitted up to an individual maximum diameter of 15 mm in amount of 5 per 1 m²

Permitted up to an individual maximum diameter of 6 mm in amount of 3 per 1 m²

Knots and knotholes repairementNot Permitted
Irregularities in the structure of woodPermitted
Hearth and discolorationNot more than 5% of surface
Closed splits and checks, patchedPermitted for an individual maximum length up to 200 mm in amount of 2 per 1 m width of sheet
Open splitsNot Permitted
Discolouration and coloured streaksPermitted, but slight
Defects at the edges due to sanding or sawingAllowed up to 2 mm from the edge
Glue penetrationNot Permitted
Sanding throughNot Permitted

Grade “B” ( I ): Almost without deffects intended for natural finish. For furniture construction and decoration.
Grade “S”: Almost without defects, Occasional small sound tight knots are allowed and up to 2 patches are allowed per m2. Used for varnishing and painting in furniture construction, decoration and lamination of various kind of wood.
Categories of defectsPermissible amount of defects
Pin knotsPermitted (diameter to 3mm)
Sound intergrown knots light/dark“Allowed up to an individual maximum diameter of 20 mm with total quantity not more than 2,5 per m2 (or total diameter up to 50mm/m2 of the panel square) 0,5”
Partly intergrown, open knots, knotholes, worm tracksAllowed up to an individual maximum diameter of 10 mm with total quantity not more than 2,5 per m2 (or total diameter up to 25mm/m2 of the panel square) 0,5
Knots and knotholes repairementNot Permitted
Irregularities in the structure of woodPermitted
Hearth and discolorationNot more than 5% of surface
Closed splits and checks, patchedPermitted for an individual maximum length up to 200 mm in amount of 2 per 1 m width of sheet
Irregularities in the structure of the woodAllowed cross grain, curly grain and burls
Hearth and discolorationNot more than 20% of surface
Defects at the edges due to sanding or sawingAllowed up to 5 mm from the edge
Glue penetrationAllowed not more than, 1% of the panel surface
Sanding throughNot Permitted
Grade “BB” ( II ): For furniture construction and for covering with decorative materials.
Categories of defectsPermissible amount of defects
Pin knotsPermitted
Sound knotsPermitted up to an individual maximum diameter of 25 mm in amount of 10 per 1 m²
Other knots and patched holes:

unsound (falling) knots

Permitted up to an individual maximum diameter of 6 mm in amount of 6 per 1 m²
Irregularities in the structure of woodPermitted, but slight
Open splits and patched holesPermitted for an individual maximum length up to 200 mm and width up to 2 mm in amount of 2 per 1 m width of sheet
Closed splits and checks, patchedPermitted for an individual maximum length up to 200 mm in amount of 2 per 1 m width of sheet
Discolouration and coloured streaksNot more than 30% of surface
Repaired defects (inserts)Permitted up to 8 per m²
Double insertsNot Permitted
Sanding throughNot allowed
Glue penetrationPermitted up to 2% of surface
Defects on the edges due to sanding or sawingAdmitted up to 5 mm from the edge
Grade “CP”: Suitable for construction, which are not observed and for special packaging. And also calibration allows to use this plywood for decorating with valuable veneer.
Categories of defectsPermissible amount of defects
Pin knotsPermitted
Sound knotsPermitted along with cracks for width up to 1,5 mm
Other knots and patched holesPermitted up to an individual maximum diameter of 6 mm in amount of 10 per 1 m²
Repaired defects (inserts)Allowed
Double insertsAllowed
Irregularities in the structure of the woodAllowed
Discolouration and coloured streaksPermitted
Open splitsPermitted for an individual maximum length up to 300 mm and width up to 5 mm in amount of 5 per 1 m length of sheet
Closed splits and checksPermitted
Hearth and discolorationPermitted
Open joints, patchedPermitted for an individual maximum width up to 2 mm and length of 200 mm, no more than 1 per metre of sheet width
OverlapsPermitted for a maximum length of 200 mm and no more than 1 per metre of sheet width
Hollows, bumps and imprintsPermitted, but slight
RoughnessPermitted, but slight
InsertsUnlimited number permitted
Sanding throughPermitted up to an extent of 10 cm²
Glue penetrationPermitted up to an extent of 5% of the surface of sheet
Defects on the edges due to sanding or sawingAdmitted up to 4 mm from the edge
Grade “WG”: Suitable for construction, which are not observed and for special packaging.
Grade “WG”: Suitable for construction, which are not observed and for special packaging.
Categories of defectsPermissible amount of defects
Sound intergrown knotsAllowed up to an individual maximum diameter of 65 mm
Other knots and knot holesAllowed up to an individual maximum diameter of 15 mm with total quantity not more than 10 per m2
Repaired defects (inserts)Allowed
Double insertsAllowed
Irregularities in the structure of the woodAllowed
Open splitsPermitted for an individual maximum length up to 300 mm and width up to 4 mm in amount of 2 per 1 m length of sheet
Closed splitsPermitted
Hearth and discolorationPermitted
Open joints, patchedPermitted for an individual maximum width up to 2 mm and length of 200 mm, no more than 1 per metre of sheet width
Hollows, bumps and imprintsPermitted, but slight
InsertsUnlimited number permitted
Sanding throughPermitted up to 5% of surface
Glue penetrationPermitted up to an extent of 5% of the surface of sheet
Defects on the edges due to sanding or sawingAdmitted up to 5 mm from the edge
Grade “C” (IV): All defects are allowed. Plywood has good gluing. For firm packaging and construction.
Categories of defectsPermissible amount of defects
Pin knotsPermitted
Sound knotsPermitted
Other knots:

unsound knots

Permitted up to an individual maximum diameter of 40 mm in unlimited amount
Discolouration and coloured streaksPermitted
Open splits and checksPermitted for an individual maximum width up to 10 mm in unlimited length and amount
Closed splits and checksPermitted
Discolouration and coloured streaksPermitted
Open jointsPermitted for an individual maximum width up to 3 mm
OverlapPermitted for a maximum length of 500 mm and no more than 2 per metre of sheet width
Hollows, bumps and imprintsPermitted, some
InsertsUnlimited number permitted
Glue penetrationPermitted
Defects on the edges due to sawing

harta site


Tego antiderapant plop RO

Placajul antiderapant este acoperit pe ambele fete cu film fenolic de 220 grame/mp, una dintre fete fiind antiderapanta. Acesta prezinta incleiere rezistenta la umiditate BFU100, cu adeziv fenoplac, conform standard EN 636-3S, iar canturile sunt inchise cu vopsea acrilica impotriva umiditatii. 

tego plop antiderapant

Greutatea specifica este de 510 kg/mc iar incadrarea in clasa de emisii de formaldehida este E1, conform standard EN 717.

Acest placaj antiderapant este construit din lemn de plop, din furnire presate. 

Placajul antiderapant reprezinta solutia profesionala pentru carosarea masinilor de transport, de toate tipurile, insa se poate utiliza si pentru alte aplicatii. 


Pe durata transportului si al depozitarii este recomandat sa se fereasca de actiunea directa a apei, iar inainte de a incepe executia lucrarii produsul trebuie aclimatizat cu zona de lucru.

Nu este recomandata expunerea directa a acestora la intemperii.

Preturile sunt exprimate in  euro fata TVA si se platesc la cursul BNR din ziua facturarii. 


  • constructia de scene descoperite;
  • realizarea de rafturi;
  • realizarea de dusumele;
  • realizarea de constructii temporare usoare (baraci, organizari de santier, soproane, magazii);
  • placari podele autoutilitare;
  • scene, strapontine;amenajari skate-parcuri;
  • pereti catarare, locuri de joaca;
  •  schele si platforme deschise
  • panouri de afisaj.

Locul 2 in TOP PROFIT ROMANIA 2021

Portalul Listafirme.ro a acordat companiei Tecnomir Grup diploma pentru Locul 2 in Top Profit ROMANIA pentru judetul BRAILA, pe domeniul 4613: Intermedieri in comertul cu material lemnos si materiale de constructii

Multumim pe aceasta cale pentru distinctia acordata.



1 /3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Ai nevoie de ajutor?

Suntem aici si suntem pregatiti sa iti oferim sprijinul nostru, in baza unei experiente de aproape un deceniu de activitate in domeniul productiei si distributiei panourilor pe baza de lemn.

Trebuie doar sa ne contactezi, iar specialistii nostri vor raspunde cu profesionalism intrebarilor tale despre produsele comercializate, in cel mai scurt timp posibil.